Our story.
Maquistador was born from the love of a job well done but above all from my fascination for human hands.
These hands that move and articulate with delicacy and precision in order to create beautiful objects in the greatest tradition, like a well-orchestrated dance. What beauty!
Maquistador is also the desire to rethink the way of dressing, in order to rediscover elegance, refinement and quality without any compromise on the choice of materials.
Through Maquistador, I want to bring each client into a world filled with joy and humanity. A comforting world where colors and materials come together to tell a story and promote French craftsmanship.
Differentiating shapes and materials, leather, sparkling colors and suede for its soft and warm side, our products are designed as vectors of optimism.
I want more than anything that our customers feel good with our products. So all you have to do is put on your Maquistador, turn up the volume, let yourself go, dance, sing, love and live!
Camille, founder of Maquistador.

“You must dance like no one is watching, love like you have never been hurt, sing like no one is listening, and live like it is heaven on earth.” William P. Purkey
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